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This muscle attaches from the body of the pubis below the pubic crest proximally, passing to the linea aspera of the femur, approximately in its mid-third portion. Between the Adductor magnus and the Vastus medialis four muscles are inserted: the Iliacus and Pectineus above; the Adductor brevis and Adductor longus below. The accessory nerve arises from either the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae or the second and third lumbar vertebrae. Although all these muscles mainly extend the knee joint, rectus is also a weak flexor of the hip joint. Ligne âpre. We use cookies to guarantee the best experience on our website. This structure restricts motion at the ankle almost entirely to a fore and aft direction, producing flexion and extension. It communicates with the anterior branch of the obturator nerve, supplying branches to the pectineus, but also the hip joint. Note how the articulations among the tarsals and metatarsals are arranged to produce interlocking joints that tend to restrict movement. The pelvis or hip consists of paired innominate bones (Figure 7.21) that articulate with each other ventrally at the pelvic symphysis and with the sacrum dorsally. The obturator externus attaches proximally to the obturator foramen margins and membrane and passes to attach distally onto the femur, at the trochanteric fossa. Origin- linea aspera, intertrochanteric and medial supracondylar lines Insertion- patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament 2. The adductor part attaches distally to the linea aspera, the gluteal tuberosity on the femur and the medial supracondylar line on the distal femur. Examine a mounted specimen, and note the position and orientation of the innominate. These comprise three muscles, biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus. From the medial lip of the linea aspera and its prolongations above and below, the Vastus medialis arises; and from the lateral lip and its upward prolongation, the Vastus lateralis takes origin. These include gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis posterior and a group of long flexors of the digits. Copyright © 2008-2020 IMAIOS SAS. Its anterior surface is roughened. Muscle attachments of the shaft • Insertions: – Adductor longus is added into the medial lip of linea aspera. The femur (Figure 7.22) is the bone of the proximal part of the hind limb, or thigh. It may also supply the adductor longus, but its presence is not common (Akkaya et al., 2008). Table 6.2 may help. kep1313. Right pes of the cat in dorsal view. It articulates proximally with the tibia and fibula. The remaining metatarsals are stout, elongated elements and each articulates with a series of three phalanges, the proximal, intermediate, and ungual phalanges. The more proximal facet is for the distal articulation with the tibia. Left innominate of the cat in (a) lateral, (b) ventrolateral, and (c) medial views. Below, the linea aspera is prolonged into two ridges, enclosing between them a triangular area, the popliteal surface, upon which the popliteal artery rests. The adductor portion attaches proximally to the inferior ramus of the pubis, and also the ramus of the ischium. For example, the lateral cuneiform articulates with metatarsal III distally, but its medial surface articulates with both the intermediate cuneiform and metatarsal II. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Shaft of femur; Body of femur > Gastrocnemius arises as two heads from the medial and lateral femoral epicondyles and fabellae, and soleus by a slender tendon from the head of the fibula (Greene, 1935). Rats, unlike men, have tails for which seven muscles that move the tail have been described (Hebel and Stromberg, 1976). Its proximal surface bears lateral and medial condyles that articulate with the femur. It is a smooth, shallow trough oriented proximodistally. Note how this facet consists of two sulci separated by a median ridge. Innervation: Obturator nerve (L2–4). The adductor part attaches distally to the, Leon Chaitow ND DO, Judith DeLany LMT, in, Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques, Volume 2 (Second Edition), : From the inferior ramus of the pubis to the upper third of the medial lip of the, From the anterior and lower surfaces of the greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line of femur, gluteal tuberosity, lateral intermuscular septum and lateral lip of, Gerardo De Iuliis PhD, Dino Pulerà MScBMC, CMI, in, The Dissection of Vertebrates (Second Edition), Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Rat in Toxicology and Biomedical Research, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, Flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus, Flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digiti primi, Plantaris: fusing with flexor digitorum brevis in the sole of the foot, Flexor digistorum superficialis: fusing with flexor digitorum brevis in the sole of the foot. The phalanges for digit 1 have been lost in the cat. Both act as flexors of the hip joint. The major origins of all three muscles are from the anterior surfaces of the tibia and fibula, but extensor digitorum longus also arises in part from the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Although Hebel and Stromberg make no mention of plantaris, it is mentioned in works on human anatomy, and like palmaris in the forelimb, is said to be a remnant of a superficial flexor of the digits that fails to reach beyond the sole or the palm. Obturator internus also arises inside the pelvis and runs out to the femur. Anatomy Mnemonics. Some cross both the hip and knee joints and therefore act on both. The head is irregular and expanded. T: tibialis posterior D: flexor digitorum longus H: flexor hallucis longus Human anatomists make a great song and dance about reserving the term ‘leg’ for the second segment of the hindlimb, and ‘arm’ for the first segment of the forelimb. It is about twice as long as the astragalus and projects posteriorly as the heel. The gluteal tuberosity is superior and faces posterolaterally. They are similar to those of the hand, but in the rat, unlike man, flexor digitorum brevis is a small muscle. As part of e-learning when you watch a video, our service provider Vimeo files cookies to your browser. Click on the structure to specify the target of your label, Other Terms: The medial malleolus is the distal extension of the tibia's medial surface. It is inconstant, but when present, emerges from the medial margin of the psoas major and enters the thigh anterior to the pubis. To adduction: gluteus medius and minimus, tensor fasciae latae, upper fibers of gluteus maximus. The lateral malleolus projects distally from the posterolateral end of the fibula. The lateral condyle bears the popliteal groove, and the medial condyle bulges away from the line of the shaft. The distal facet articulates with the lateral part of the trochlea of the astragalus. Above, the linea aspera is prolonged by three ridges. Gastrocnemius lies superficial to soleus, and together they combine to produce a single tendon (of Achilles) that is inserted into the calcaneum, from where they plantar-flex (or flex) the ankle. The pectineus muscle attaches proximally to the pubis (superior ramus) passing distally to attach to the pectineal line on the upper medial aspect of the femur. The linea aspera is perforated a little below its center by the nutrient canal, which is directed obliquely upward. In the rat, gluteus maximus blends with another muscle, tensor fasciae latae, which is attached to the strong fascia running down the outer side of the thigh. If available, manipulate the tibia and pes to observe this. When thinking about rats we all know that they have four legs. Distally the astragalus articulates with the navicular, while the calcaneum articulates with the cuboid.

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