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The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we God made you alive with Christ. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the xvi.7. In 1 John the apostle places before us a profound, yet simple revelation: God knows all things. Jesus expressly gave those present (or at least the Apostles) the power to [23] If you These truths are even more comforting when we recognize His power is embodied in perfect love and wisdom. iii.7-9, where this instance is referred to, we read, "Wherefore, as the Holy Ghost saith, To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, and in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness: When your fathers tempted Me, proved Me, and saw My works forty years." Now consider that our sun provides all of earth’s energy and burns at about 14 million degrees at its core. No matter how vulnerable or ill-equipped we feel, no matter the challenges and problems we face, we can rest in this truth: God is matchless in power, unconquerable, and always victorious. The Holy Spirit quickens If their enemies broke through that, the townspeople could flee to an often double-walled tower in the center of this city. Instead they accused Him of using the powers of Satan. May we not find the explanation of this in the threefold "Holy" of the seraphic cry in Isaiah vi.3, where we read, "And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory." And though God demonstrated His authority over Satan and his demons when God expelled him from heaven, Christ’s death defeated and shamed the powers of darkness. In some translations David says the Lord is his fortress, his strength, or defense. In this we have a distinct suggestion of the tri-personality of the Jehovah of Hosts, and hence the propriety of the threefold application of the vision. and I would heal them.'". In fact, it’s already been conquered by our omnipotent, sovereign, all-knowing, and all-loving God. Psalms 139:7-10 [7] Where can I The Holy Spirit So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: ‘I know your deeds. 2 Corinthians 13:14 May the grace But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. This God, the omnipotent, all-knowing, all-loving and faithful King, reigns over all and holds us securely in His hand. side of the sea, [10] even there your hand will guide me, your right We read in 2 Pet. Whether those enemies are internal, perhaps a terrifying diagnosis, or external, like a hurricane that’s bearing down, we can tuck ourselves under the protective wings of our Father, knowing He is bigger and stronger than whatever we might face. of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: "When one rules over men close their eyes. --The Conclusion of what Has Been Said Above. I did. up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are And I said, "Here am I. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. by Jesus. The Holy Spirit is omnipotent. Luke 1:35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Another striking illustration is found in 2 Cor. one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full 20:22-23 in the previous point. xxiii.2, 3, "the Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and His word was in my tongue. We read in 2 Sam. Eternity, omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. But in Acts xxviii.25-27 there is a reference to this statement of Isaiah's and whereas in Isaiah we are told it is Jehovah who speaks, in the reference in Acts we are told that it was the Holy Spirit who was the speaker. But it isn’t, it can’t, and it won’t. Change ). Colossians 2:13 When you were He protects us as well, hiding us in Him just as ancient man hid within a city’s strong tower. John 14:26. xcv.8-11). Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." may serve the living God! else: (1) omniscience, (2) omnipotence, (3) omnipresence, The name of the The Holy Spirit is God. Consider R136a1, the most massive and brightest star in the known universe. In the Scriptures creation is ascribed to the Holy Spirit. He cast out demons (Matthew 8:16), enabled a paralytic to walk (Matthew 9), brought sight to the blind (Mark 10:46-52), and raised the dead to life (Matthew 9:18-26, John 11:1-44). To sum it all up, by the ascription of all the distinctively Divine attributes, and several distinctly Divine works, by referring statements which in the Old Testament clearly name Jehovah, the Lord, or God as their subject to the Holy Spirit in the New Testament, by coupling the name of the Holy Spirit with that of God in a way that would be impossible to couple that of any finite being with that of Deity, by plainly calling the Holy Spirit God, in all these unmistakable ways, God in His own Word distinctly proclaims that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person. teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. When this is further explained, we are told it was not unto men but unto God that he had lied in lying to the Holy Spirit, i. e., the Holy Spirit to whom he lied is called God. civ.30, "Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, they are created: and Thou renewest the face of the earth." Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. He is the only One who has the power to protect us, and whatever protection we do receive comes from Him. come. More than that, He has promised to remain. are not forgiven.". Romans 8:11 And if the Spirit of him Now since the Spirit of God is omnipotent ... /.../christianbookshelf.org/aquinas/summa theologica/whether one who has already.htm, Holy Land was the Burial Place of the Patriarchs, Holy Land: A Sabbath of Rest Appointed For, Holy Land: A Type of the Rest That Remains for Saints, Holy Land: All Inheritances In, Inalienable, Holy Land: Divided Into: Four Provinces by the Romans, Holy Land: Divided Into: Twelve Provinces by Solomon, Holy Land: Divided Into: Two Kingdoms in the Time of Rehoboam, Holy Land: Extensive Commerce of, in Solomon's Reign, Holy Land: Numerous Population of, in Solomon's Reign, Holy Land: Obedience the Condition of Continuing In, Holy Land: Original Inhabitants of, Expelled for Wickedness, Holy Land: Promised to Given by Covenant to Israel, Holy Land: Prosperity of, in Solomon's Reign, Holy of Holies was Called The: Holiest of All, Holy of Holies was Called The: Holy Place, Holy of Holies was Called The: Holy Sanctuary, Holy of Holies was Called The: Most Holy Place, Holy of Holies: Contained: A Written Copy of the Divine Law, Holy of Holies: Contained: Ark of Testimony, Holy of Holies: Divided from the Outward Tabernacle by a Vail, Holy of Holies: Laid Open to View at Christ's Death, Holy of Holies: Saints Have Boldness to Enter the True, Holy of Holies: The High Priest: Alone to Enter, Once a Year, Holy of Holies: The High Priest: Entered, in Ordinary Priest's Dress, Holy of Holies: The High Priest: Entered, not Without Blood of Atonement, Holy of Holies: The High Priest: Made Atonement For, Holy of Holies: The High Priest: Not to Enter, at all Times, Holy of Holies: The High Priest: Offered Incense In, Holy of Holies: The Priests Allowed to Enter, and Prepare the Holy Things For, Holy Spirit: General Scriptures Concerning, Holy Spirit: Inspiration of The Disciples, Holy Spirit: Inspiration of The Seventy Elders, Holy Spirit: Withdrawn from Incorrigible Sinners, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He is Known by Saints, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Abides for Ever With Saints, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Communicates Joy to Saints, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Dwells With, and in Saints, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Edifies the Church, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Imparts Hope, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Imparts the Love of God, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Teaches Saints, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Testifies of Christ, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: Given by Christ, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: Given by the Father, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: Given: Through Christ's Intercession, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: Proceeds from the Father, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: Sent by Christ from the Father, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: Sent in the Name of Christ, the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: The World Cannot Receive, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Appointing and Sending Ministers, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Author of the New Birth, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Comforter of the Church, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Convincing of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgment, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Directing where the Gospel should be Preached, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Dwelling in Saints, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Equal To, and One With the Father, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Inspiring Scripture, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Jehovah of Hosts, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Jehovah, Most High, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Joined With the Father and the Son in the Baptismal, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Raising Christ from the Dead, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Sanctifying the Church, The Holy Spirit: is God: As Sovereign Disposer of all Things, The Holy Spirit: is God: As the Source of Miraculous Power, The Holy Spirit: is God: As the Source of Wisdom, The Holy Spirit: is God: As the Spirit of Glory and of God, The Holy Spirit: is God: Being Invoked As Jehovah, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Appoints and Commissions Ministers, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Can be Grieved, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Can be Resisted, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Can be Tempted, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Can be Vexed, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Comforts, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Creates and Gives Life, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Directs Ministers where not to Preach, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Directs Ministers where to Preach, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Dwells With Saints, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Glorifies Christ, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Guides, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Has a Power of his Own, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Helps Our Infirmities, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Instructs Ministers What to Preach, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Reproves, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Sanctifies, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Searches all Things, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Spoke In, and By, the Prophets, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Strives With Sinners, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Teaches, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Testifies of Christ, the Personality of Holy Spirit: He Works According to his own Will, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Brings the Words of Christ to Remembrance, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Directs in the Way of Godliness, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Directs the Decisions of the Church, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Enables Ministers to Teach, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Guides Into all Truth, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Reveals the Future, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Reveals the Things of Christ, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Reveals the Things of God, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Teaches Saints to Answer Persecutors, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: As the Spirit of Wisdom, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: Attend to the Instruction of, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: Given in Answer to Prayer, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: Given: To Saints, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: Necessity For, the Teacher, Holy Spirit: The: The Natural Man Will not Receive the Things of, Preface.

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