How Legalization is Ruining Cannabis…Part 1

With legalization came a lot of changes to the California cannabis community. A black market, a white
market and a grey market emerged. All of these changes had a great effect on the plant and the
community as a whole.

These changes may not seem drastic but these subtle modifications, in the way we conduct business
have effects on the way we breed, consume, and cultivate cannabis.

Currently there are many retailers
nationwide that will not carry products under a certain percentage of THC. Growers do the same and
depend on the retailers to move their products.

Many Landrace strains have been bred to extinction or
have been lost in the great legalization debacle never to be seen again. If a strain doesn’t have the
appropriate thc/cbd (20%+thc) content currently, retailers wont purchase.

So why do retailers and
growers aim for HIGH THC?

As cannabis is becoming more and more popular among the world so does the need for equal

“Users seem to often to look toward high thc content when shopping” says dispensary owner Brian Sullivan of Colorado.

A true cannabis Chronnoisser would not necessarily ever need to know the thc content of dried flower to
know the quality or potency, just as a sommelier would not look for high alcohol content in wine. We
find after years of research ( smoking weed ) that it is ultimately the relationship between all the
cannabinoids of the plant that dance together to make a beautiful concoction of psychedelic flavors and
vibes that cannot be replicated.

Well how do you choose your pot if not based off thc you ask?

USE YOUR NOSE! Well, that’s how it was. Until recreational restrictions came into play any user could
see smell taste touch their product before purchasing. With mandatory pre packaging regulations in the
white market not only have users lost the ability to self-diagnose ailments based of their own personal
endo cannabinoids system powered by the olfactory ( nose ).

This now pre packaged cannabis is also
subject to becoming drier faster, losing thc content over shelf time and overall terp profile and It’s not chill.
The weed was fire before being treating like that.

The lower overall freshness/quality and a higher price tag due to taxes are making the demand for cannabis on the white market (legal) much lower a black market(illegal) grow.

So you’ve come to the black market? In search of fresh produce (weed!)? It does exist! but you
ultimately sacrifice security of having the cannabis tested for pesticide molds and heavy metals (and
thc/cbd if you care) . There has got to be a better way? Right?

What’s the grey market?

Well, a little bit of both. The grey market in California is essentially licensed and tested business
struggling so hard to sell retail that they also sell back door to pretty much anyone trustworthy. If you
have a good line you may be able you find some clean testing fresh product before it hits the shelfs, and
you’ll probably pay less, but is that legal? No, to my understanding that’s where the big divide in the
community comes.